Monday, 27 October 2014

On the Topic of Selfies

I posted a selfie today, fighting down that initial guilty feeling of 'do other people really want to see another picture of me?" that I get each time I do it.

A selfie is just another picture of someone who is conceited,  attention seeking and vain, right?


I suppose people sometimes post selfies for some validation of how they look, but the majority of the time it's a visual way of shouting, 'Look at me world! I feel GOOD about how I look today!".

And instead of celebrating that, we slate it.

Wow. Back up.

In a world where it  has become the SOCIAL NORM to self depricate, should we not be happy to see some people who are taking pride in how they look, whether it be natural,  dressed up, alone or in conpany?
Should we not be smiling with them?
No. Apparently, we should be dragging them back to reality and reminding them how horrible they are as people for daring to love the way they look. For shame.

Selfies are a form of radical self love, and I'm all for that magical shit. So take my fucking selfie and eat it, because I look freaking awesome and if you don't like me feeling good about myself, that says a whole lot more about you than it does me.

Selfie away, you sexy beast of a Unicorn!