Monday, 30 March 2015

The Womb of Divinity

"My womb is home to the divine." -  Rupi Kaur

I cannot describe to you the absolute LOVE I have for this quote poppets!

I do wonder how many of us women worldwide feel shame and disgust when we reach our moon cycle. How many of us solider on, hide the wreckage and dose up on Paracetamol... maybe some confiding in one or two close female friends or relatives in secretive whispers of absolute horror.

We live a world where periods are hidden. We view them as 'indecent', 'gross', 'dirty' and a 'nuisance', treating them (and ultimately a part of ourselves) with disrespect and shame.

Changing this opinion and overall world view is hard, and progress is slow. In fact, many people will feel uncomfortable reading this post, and it's such a shame. Just give it time, the tables are turning.

I'm not going to preach to you about the beauty of moon cycles.

I will however leave you with just one request. One small, life changing request that takes so little effort, darlings.
The next time you are flowing with the Goddess, take some time to self-reflect. This is such a poignant time for you. You are releasing the physical excess of divine energy, so do some spiritual and mental clearing, too. Treat yourself with kindness, let yourself relax.
And for those women who don't flow, never have or don't anymore, allow yourself that time, too. You can't bare all the world's weight on your shoulders, you simply can't do it all. You are not a bottomless pit of give, give, give. So give yourself the opportunity to flow with the Goddess, too.
Remember you are strong.
You are a warrior. You are wild.
You are Woman.


P.s. If you are interested in reading a wonderful little Myth about Moon Cycles and where they come from, see my older blog post here.
Much love!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Kintsugi for the Soul

Sometimes, darlings, we describe ourselves as 'broken'. Heartbroken, broke with money, broken up inside, having a break down...
Do you know that those cracks that reside after a break make you the shining, unique person that you are?
I know that when you are feeling broken, it isn't easy to see the emotional wounds and feel unique and beautiful. It's hard to see that when you crack, it allows healing light to come pouring through you.

Let me tell you about 'kintsugi' or 'kintsukuroi', as it is otherwise known.
Kintsugi is a Japanese process that started as early as the late 15th Century. The Japanese don't believe that when something is broken it becomes worthless or useless. In fact, they repair it. I suppose they could repair it in a way that barely shows the break, but instead they fill the cracks with gold. Yep. GOLD.
How beautiful is that?!

So not only does that broken pottery keep it's worth and purpose... it actually GROWS IN VALUE.

Just like you, poppet.
Every time you 'break', you are restored with more wisdom, more strength and more beauty.
The best part? You always had that inner wisdom, strength and beauty. It was always there. It's just that now the cracks let it stream out of you :)

Much love!

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Go, Go, GO!

Hello Darlings!

Passion! Let's talk passion.
What wakes you up?

Seriously, this is important shit.

'We can each define ambition and progress for ourselves. The goal is to work toward a world where expectations are not set by the stereotypes that hold us back, but by our personal passion, talents and interests.' -Sheryl Sandberg

I think what Sheryl is trying to say is that you can't judge a fish by how well it climbs a tree, and we can't let others decide our goals for us. You need to live your life with the passion YOU aspire to, the intensity YOU want to and using YOUR talents that YOU define.

Just remember, it's always the minority that change the tide for the majority. If you do what you do and love it, then redefine the world, not yourself.

Much love!

Rachel x