Hello, Sweetie!
We all have days when we feel down, low and generally a bit worse-for-wear. This may be a common occurrence for you, or it may simply be a one-off, every-blue-moon kind of deal.
Either way, there are things you can do.
If you are looking for some concrete ideas in a pinch, I've made a list. It's from me to you, to help lift your mood :)
Or coffee. Or hot chocolate. Heck, make a cup of hot Vimto (now that IS magical Unicorn juice!).
The point is that whilst warm drinks tend to be soothing( and many contain helpful ingredients or even aid your system), the actual physical process of making a hot drink is uplifting in itself. Whilst the kettle is boiling, practice some gratitude. List five things that mean the world to you and say thank you for each one. Say it out loud or in your head, it doesn't matter. The chances are that making a hot drink is second nature to you, so that means you have head space to just THINK.
De-clutter your virtual space
As someone who is terribly disorganised, I find a sense of relief when I clear the digital fog.
Delete old, useless emails and text messages. Clear out any old numbers from your phone and empty the call history (Don't forget to save any unsaved numbers!). Remove all those pointless shortcuts from your desktop and delete any apps you don't use on your tablet or phone. Run a disk cleanup, delete temporary files. Organise all of you photos and documents into set albums and folders. Make sure all of your anti-virus and general programs are up-to-date.
Delicious, tasty virtual bliss.
Make a big list of all the things you are grateful for
Sometimes this can be difficult when we feel down. It can be hard to sort through the shit and find something precious, but you can do it. I promise. Obvious ones are friends, family, nice memories, favourite objects, favourite books, a pet...
If you get stuck, ask a friend. Their gratitude list might not be the same as yours, but they might give you ideas about your own (In a 'Ooh, why didn't I think of that?' kind of way). Fill the page, aim for 10, add more if you can. Put it somewhere you will see it often. On your mirror, in a journal, on a desk, on the fridge, even in your bag, or use it as a book mark.
Make your space a sanctuary
It doesn't matter if it's a whole house or part of a shared room - every little space can be customised, even if it's just a little. Try moving some furniture around or placing a colourful throw over a shelf or bedside table. Add some candles or crystals. I often beat myself up for being messy, but cleaning a space with some upbeat music shaking the walls is a huge mood-booster!
Walk away from Social Media
If only for an hour. I notice that after long periods of time sat staring at Facebook, my mood starts to dip. I think part of it is because people sometimes share some heavy, painful stuff, and part of it is that we see how FANTASTICALLY AMAZEBALLS everyone else appears to be doing.
Fun fact - people only tend to post what they want you to see.
Nobody has a perfect life, so don't beat yourself up over the pictures others paint.
Spend some time with animals
Whether it's taking your own dog for a walk or playing chase-the-laser with a friend's cat, we all have access to animals. One of my favourite things to do is take a trip to a local pet shop. Just watching the rabbits and guinepigs shuffle around makes me smile. Even the fish are soothing to watch.
Watch a feel-good film
Some films are amazing for when you feel down. My personal favourites are Kiki's Delivery Service, The Cat Returns, Chocolat, Practical Magic, Willow and basically any Disney or Pixar classic. Add your favourate snack and a duvet. Win = win.
Buy a pot of bubbles
Best. Thing. Ever. Keep them by your bed and use liberally as often as required. Just watching all those beautiful, shiny bubbles float around and pop is flipping GLORIOUS. If I was a doctor, I'd give these out on free prescription to everyone.
Ask for help when you need it
Lastly and most importantly, always ask for the help you need. You are NEVER alone in this world. Seek out a friend of family member, reach for a trusted colleague. Search for local social groups or join an online sisterhood. I can't stress enough that if this is happening often, you need to be contacting a doctor. Do not suffer is silence, you shining star.
Remember poppets, you are strong, you are beautiful and damn it all, you've got this!
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